Sunday 20 June 2010

First an apology, it has been over a year since I created this blog and have managed not to post anything. This is partly due to a very busy time at Parklife and partly due to a slight reluctance on my behalf as I'm unsure if anyone will be interested in my ramblings. I have been baking a few new cakes lately including the Whoopie Pie. Apparently according to the general press this is the new big thing. After whipping up a batch and putting on the counter the feedback had been very positive. In true Parklife fashion I have found it impossible to bake any small delicate ones and all they've turned out to be whopping Whoopies. The other newbie is a Chocolate Jaffa cake which is a double layer cake, made with fresh orange and dark chocolate with a chocolate and orange frosting topped with  Jaffa cakes. I am in full wedding swing which is one of the best things about my job, I get to make lovely cakes for a couples most important day.

You may see Mr Parklife chasing our resident Bath Place Seagull (Salty, named by the Parklife girls) up and down the road. He is a bold boy who has been jumping on our tables to scoff left over panini and cakes, however keeps smashing teapots and plates in the process. Mr Parklife has a new method of sneaking out and chucking a cup of water at him (I have asked him not get the customers!). Salty is getting wise to this and spots him sneaking out and swiftly moves just out of range! All this to the great amusement of the Parklife team and customers, but is infuriating Mr P.

After two years we have finally got stickers! I have to admit that I am completely addicted and have gone sticker mad! If you would like some just pop in. Collecting the final monies from our sponsored walk and the total is looking over £800. YAY!

That's all for now. I promise it won't take me a year to post again. Mrs P x


  1. Ooh, stickers for my bikes please! I'll be in sometime next week I'm sure.....

  2. Yay can't wait to read more in the Parklife World :0)

  3. Hi Bev.

    One of my partners would like a wedding cake - whats the damage likely to be...? please drop me a tweet...


    aka flyerboy_uk
